GRAND OPENING: June 6, 2015, 10am to 5pm
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What Are the Benefits of Summer Camp Programs?


Learning doesn’t only take place in the four corners of the classroom. It could take place anywhere and anytime. Learning is a never-ending process. As a child’s formal learning begins in a preschool and infant center in Redlands, California, it is of the utmost to give them a strong foundation as much as possible. The collaborative effort of their parents and teachers is beneficial for their growth and development.

Among the most efficient ways for children to maximize learning is to continue to acquire new knowledge and skills even after school hours. Students can keep learning even if the academic year in a Montessori infant and preschool education in Redlands, California, and other areas has already ended. That is made possible through summer camp programs. It’s the most rewarding way for children to spend their summer.

Of all the fun things to do during the summertime, joining summer camp activities is undeniably an excellent idea. Through this, children can learn significant life skills while having fun at the same time. On top of this, it also enables them to form new friendships. These aren’t the only benefits that children can earn from summer camps. Here’s more:

  • Foster independence
  • Develop teamwork
  • Minimize gadget usage
  • Nurture a love for nature
  • Accept and respect diversity

Let your little one reap all these perks by enrolling them in our summer camp programs!

We assure you that you can count on Montessori Kid’s Land Academy, a top-notch preschool and infant center.